August 11th, 2024: Still preparing for my surgery. Having fun with enstars! And I'm anticipating the Aira event that starts at the end of the month that I'll participate in while recovering. Vet appointment for our dog in a few days, I'm worried about her but glad we were able to get an appointment quickly after I noticed the issue. Almost done painting the shelves for a new bookcase, will be done later this week. The Olympics are over, I enjoyed watching them with my mom and while I'm not done with the scarf I was knitting while watching, the amount I finished goes from my shoulders to my ankles!
Listening to: A video game BGM playlist from Youtube
Obsessed with: Ochazuke! Kohaku/Aira from enstars! And taking notes on like, everything in my life lol.

August 4th, 2024: Working on this website! Preparing for a surgery. Anticipating an event in Ensemble Stars' English server at the end of the month while I'm recovering. Working on painting the shelves for a new bookcase, getting close to finishing. I can have the painting done before my surgery but I may need to wait to assemble the unit. Watching Olympics coverage with my mom every night while knitting a long, wide, and very soft scarf that I hope to have completed by winter.
Listening to: Sweet Soul Revue by Pizzicato Five
Obsessed with: Fresh peaches, they're in season right now! Also various Japanese snacks.